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October 2009 | Homemade Dog Treats

Homemade Dog Treats and Recalls

I've already discussed why homemade dog treats are so great for your pet in articles like Homemade Dog Treats and Benefits of Homemade Dog Treats. I won't go into detail all the benefits that I listed in those articles I would only suggest that you read them to learn why homemade dog treats are so amazing.

Today I am going to go over the risks of blindly buying store bought pet treats for your dog. Below I have listed just a small example of some recent pet food recalls they may or may not have effected you and your dog.

homemade dog treats
  • Certain Nutro pet food products were withdrawn because small pieces of melted plastic were found mixed into their pet food.

  • Optima dry dog food with a production date between August and September was withdrawn because their lamb and rice dry dog food was tainted with Aflatoxin, a poisonous fungus found on certain grains. This has already ended in three confirmed pet deaths.

These types of unfortunate accidents are unavoidable even for more popular pet food companies, such as, Alpo or Pedigree dog food. Now, I'm not saying that you should panic and throw out all of your pet food. What I am saying is that it's nice to know exactly what you are feeding your dog.

When you take the time to your own homemade dog treats you know what your pet is getting because you made it yourself. You know that with homemade dog treats your pet is only getting fresh and health food with no additives or anything else that may be harmful to your pet.

Even if store bought pet foods aren't harmful enough to be recalled, who knows what these foods are made from. If you decide to buy organic or all natural pet foods for your dog you may have to spend a small fortune. Here are some examples of some homemade dog treats that can be found right here on this site, Simple Treats and Bacon Delights, both of these homemade dog treats can be made from ingredients that you probably already have in your home.

If you plan to begin making your own homemade dog treats or homemade dog food you should check with your veterinarian to make sure that your recipes will meet your dogs nutritional needs. If you can manage to make healthy homemade dog treats that meet all of your pets needs you are sure to have a happier and healthier pet for life. Please take a look around the site for some informative articles and some great homemade dog treats.

Homemade Dog Treats

Everyday more and more pet owners are becoming aware of the benefits of making their own homemade dog treats. There are so many reasons why making homemade dog treats is so much better then buying store brand pet snacks.

The next time you are food shopping take a look at some of the ingredients in most of the dog treats that they sell. I think that you will cringe at the thought of your pet eating their garbage. Just like it is important for you to eat healthy in order to live a happy, long life, it is also important to your pets. The low quality ingredients in store bought pet snacks may have adverse long term effects on your pets health, while homemade dog treats are made by you with love and only natural, healthy and fresh ingredients.

homemade dog treatsThis site, Homemade Dog Treats Online, is filled with a slew of healthy homemade dog treats that can be made with ease and for very little money. Imagine that, not only are homemade dog treats are cheaper than store bought dog snacks but they are better for your pet as well. Making homemade dog treat will only cost a few dollars for a few dozen and take very little time to make.

Do yourself and your pet a favor and try one of the recipes for yourself. You will be amazed at how easily you can make this healthy dog treat. On top of all of that, I am willing to bet that once your pet has tried a few of your homemade dog treats, they won't take a second look at that store bought garbage that they were used to.

If you want your pet to live the happiest, healthiest life possible, you should provide them with healthy nutritious foods. You can do this by providing your pet with homemade dog treats. You should, however, discuss homemade pet treats with your veterinarian. Your vet should be able to tell you what type of homemade dog treats would be best for your pet and how often you should allow your dog to have them.

Here are a few examples of some of the homemade pet treats offered on this site... Simple Treats and Bacon Delight. Those two homemade pet treats are perfect examples of a healthy snacks that are healthy and easy to make. I hope you enjoy them.

Bacon Filled Homemade Dog Treats

Earlier we discussed the benefits of homemade dog treats. We went over how much money you can save by making your own homemade dog treats and how much healthier they are for your pet. Now I will be sharing a great new recipe with you. These homemade dog treats are especially tasty because they are made with real bacon.

Today's homemade dog treats are a great snack for your pet that requires very little baking, are extremely easy to make and will save you a bundle. I guarantee that your pet will love these bacon filled homemade dog treats. This dog treat is called Bacon Delight.

The over all cooking time for these delicious homemade dog treats is about 20 to 30 minutes. You will need to gather a few simple ingredients before you start.homemade dog treats

4-6 slices cooked, crushed bacon
4 beaten eggs
1/8 cup bacon fat
1 cup water
1/2 cup dry milk powder
2 cup graham flour
2 cup wheat germ
1/2 cup cornmeal

First off, you should preheat your oven to 350 ° F. Once you have gathered all the ingredients you will need to thoroughly stir them together. When the mixture is finished place the mixture onto a greased cookie sheet. The mixture should be separated into several small balls, about a tablespoons worth. Bake the Bacon Delight homemade dog treats for about 15 minutes. Once they are finished, let them cool overnight. This recipe should make about three dozen Bacon Delight treats.

These homemade dog treats are a great snack for your pet. They do require a bit more ingredients then some of the other homemade dog treats, such as, Simple Treats but your dog will love the taste of real bacon. As all of the other homemade dog treats on this site, these treats are cheap and easy to make.

Homemade dog treats are a great way to keep your dog healthy while making your that they are ingesting a healthy snack that you made yourself. Save yourself some money and do the right thing for your dog. Feel free to browse the site to find more great, healthy homemade dog treats.

Simple Homemade Dog Treats

Last time we discussed the benefits of homemade dog treats. We talked about how much healthier they are for your pet, how much money you can save by making homemade dog treats and how easy they are to make. Today I will share my favorite homemade dog treat recipe with all of you. I hope you enjoy it.

The first homemade dog treats that I'm going to share are called Simple Treats. These homemade dog treats are a healthy snack that can be fed to your dog on a daily basis. This is also one of the easier dog treat recipes to make.homemade dog treats

2 teaspoons dry yeast
1/2 cup warm water
1 tablespoons dry parsley
2 tablespoons minced garlic
1 1/2 cups chicken broth
3 tablespoons honey
1 egg
4 1/2 cups whole wheat flour

The first thing you're going to want to do is preheat your oven to 350 ° F. While your oven is heating up get a large bowl and stir the yeast into the warm water until it dissolves. Once the yeast is dissolved stir in the garlic, broth, honey, egg and parsley. Slowly mix in the flour so that the mixture begins to form into a dough.

Now you will need to knead the dough for about five minutes. Move the dough to a lightly floured surface and flatten in to about a quarter inch thick. Grab your favorite cookie cutters and begin cutting out your homemade dog treats.

Now its time to bake these delicious homemade dog treats. You will need to bake them for about 30 minutes and then flip them and bake them for an additional 15 minutes. Make sure that the treats are nicely browned.

That's it, you're all done. You will need to let them cool for several hours. Here's a great tip, make a bunch of these treats and you will have enough to keep your dog happy for a few weeks. These homemade dog treats will keep for quite some time and can be frozen and used at a later time.

These Simple Treats are a perfect example of homemade dog treats that are healthy for your pet and taste great. These treats can be made in no time at all with very little work. Trust me your dog will appreciate the extra effort as these homemade dog treats taste much better then the cardboard like garbage you buy from the store. Enjoy and remember to look around at the other homemade dog treats on this site.

Benefits of Homemade Dog Treats

Making homemade dog treats for your pet can be a great way for you to bond with your dog and family. There are are tons of homemade dog treat recipes available for you to make. Here at Homemade Dog Treats Online, we are dedicated to bringing you a slew of homemade dog treats that you can share with your pet and friends and family. Not only are homemade dog treats fun and easy to make but they can also be very beneficial to your beloved pet.

You will never know how much better homemade dog treats are for your pet until you actually make them. Once you take a look at that store bought garbage next to the homemade treats that you prepared for your dog, you will never want to buy them again.

homemade dog treatsSo, what exactly makes homemade dog treats so much better for your pet? Do you ever look at the ingredients in store bought dog treats? Do you have any idea what you're feeding your dog? When you make homemade dog treat you know exactly what your pet is eating. Homemade dog treats are healthy and nutritious. Homemade dog treats aren't filled wit additives and garbage that may harm your pet over time.

Do you know what else is great about homemade dog treats? They are much cheaper then overpriced store bought dog treats. I dare you to try a few of the recipes on this site and keep track of how much money you spend on the ingredients. At the end of the month compare the amount spent on homemade dog treats to the amount you spent on store bought pet treats. I think that you will be pleasantly surprised at how much money you saved by making your own homemade dog treats.

Homemade dog treats are easy to make. Make a list of what ingredients you need to make your very own homemade dog treats and pick them up next time you are at the supermarket. Throwing together these recipes will only take a few minutes and only 30 to 40 minutes to bake. Save yourself some time and bake a few batches and you will be set for a few weeks. Homemade dog treat recipes like Simple Treats, Bacon Delight Treats.

The best part about making homemade dog treats is the look on your pet's face once they've tried them. You may never be able to go back to store bought treats once they've tasted the delicious homemade dog treats you've prepared. So do whats best for your pet and take the time to make them some wholesome and healthy homemade dog treats.