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Natural Dog Treats

If you are a busy individual, you may not have time to make your own homemade dog treats. If that is the case you may want to try the next best thing, all natural dog treats. These types of dog treats are the closest thing to making them yourself. Natural dog treat are made of all natural ingredients and are held to an extremely high quality. What will you have to sacrifice to be able to provide your dog with such a wonderful, healthy snack? Why money of course. Natural dog treats are made with care and will cost you a bit more than regular store bought low grade dog snacks. The fact that you are reading this article shows that you care about what you feed your pet. You know that it makes a difference to their health and you want your dog to be as happy and healthy as possible. All natural dog treats will help you do that.

It may be a bit harder to find these types of dog snack than, let's say a box of Milk Bones. Most grocery stores and supermarkets do not carry such elegant pet treats. On top of that, most of us do not have a gourmet pet food store in our neighborhoods. So, how do you go about getting these healthy snacks for your pet? Well, I am a firm believer that you are what you eat and I only want the best for my dogs. I have done a bit of research as to which of these all natural dog treats are the best for my dogs. I have only been able to find dog snacks such as these online. Usually, I try to make my own homemade dog treats but sometimes it is hard to find the time. That is when these little gems come in handy. I may not have the time to make a healthy snack for my pet but I know that these natural pet treats are just as good.

In order to choose which natural pet treat brand was the best, I scoured the web reading reviews and ingredients and reviews about a great many pet snacks to see which ones would be the best for my pets. I will tell you now that that was quite the task. You would not believe how many pet snacks are out on the market. All of them claim to be organic, all natural, healthy and the best for your pet. If all of these natural pet treats claim to be the best, how is one supposed to know which one actually is? Like I said it was quite a feat. I will say now that I have tried several types of natural dog treats and have shortened that giant list to a select few that I, personally, have found to be the best. These natural dog treats are not only healthy for my puppies but my dogs love them. After all, what is the point of buying a treat for your pet if they don't actually enjoy it. That wouldn't make much sense now would it.

It seems that there a few people out there that have actually made a small business from all of this. We don't have the time to personally make our dog natural dog treats and so others have filled that void, isn't life grand. All jokes aside, this is what makes these smaller online retailers so great. They actually make these dog treats naturally with fresh and safe ingredients. Essentially, it is just like you are making them yourself except it takes much less time. I have come across three online retailers that make natural dog treats that are healthy, good for my dogs and apparently they taste great because my dogs love them.

Endenhome.com sells many dog related items, one of which is all natural dog biscuits, these biscuits are organic and healthy... Hold on to your hats, they only cost $3 to $5 per box. Not only are these treats great for your dog and all natural but they are very reasonably priced. Although, you may need to buy a few boxes in order to save money on shipping costs.

The other online retailer that I use for all natural dog treats is Bullystick.com, this site provides an array of dog snacks that are all made from meat products from various animals, like, chickens, cows and even bulls. One of their most popular dog snacks are their “Bull Sticks”, now hold back your giggles but they are made from bull penis. I know I was a bit shocked when I saw it but apparently dogs love them and they are all natural. So if you can get past what they are actually made of, they make a great, healthy snack for dogs.

The third and last online shop I frequent for my natural dog treat need is, Landofpuregold.com. This site has a large variety of all sorts of organic and all natural dog treats. They are a bit more expensive but well worth it.

Now, these online stores are only a few out of many. I personally, found them to be the cream of the crop but there are literally a ton of them to choose from. You can either take a peak at the ones that I have listed above or due a little research of your own. The only thing that you should beware of is that many sites claim that their dog treats are all natural when they are really the same mass produced garbage at a much higher price. You should always read all of the ingredients on everything that you feed your dog. It is important that they consume only the healthiest of snacks and that they eat food that is not only nutritious but void of any dangerous additives and chemicals. Remember, you are what you eat and natural dog treats will keep your pet healthy and happy for many years to come.

If any of you out there have any healthy and natural dog treat recopies that you would like to share, feel free to contact me and I will get them up on the site for you. If you know of or own a store whether it be online or not that sells healthy dog snacks, you can contact me as well. I would love to start a large list of legitimate healthy and natural dog treat retailers.